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Complications after surgical management of proximal humeral fractures: A systematic review of event terms and definitions

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 05, 2020

Alispahic N, Brorson S, Bahrs C, et al. - A systematic review was conducted to evaluate reported terms and definitions of complications after surgically-treated proximal humeral fractures (PHFs). Researchers performed a literature search on PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Scopus and WorldCat to distinguish clinical articles and book chapters on complications of PHF published from 2010 to 2017. They extracted complication terms and definitions from each selected article independently by two reviewers and grouped according to a predefined scheme. They selected 470 articles from 1376 initial references, of which 103 were examined in reverse chronological order until no further information was gained. For PHFs, scientific literature on surgically-managed PHF uses different terms to present complications and without approved definitions, which demonstrates a lack of agreement on adverse event terminology. It was noted that defined event terms are mostly based on radiological evaluations. Among shoulder surgeons, consensus on a core event set is indispensable to support the standardization of safety reporting for surgically-treated PHFs.

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