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Complications after pelvic floor repair surgery (with and without mesh): Short-term incidence after 1,873 inclusions in the French VIGI-MESH registry

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oct 01, 2019

Fritel X, et al. - Researchers performed a prospective longitudinal cohort study using a surgical registry at 13 public hospitals in France in order to determine the incidence of serious complications following surgery for urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse in short-term. Among 1,873 women who underwent surgery between February 2017 and August 2018, a serious complication occurred in 52 women (2.8%) during either the surgery, requiring discontinuation of the procedure, or the first months of follow-up, necessitating a subsequent reoperation; one case also required resuscitation; no women died. Six months after the surgical procedure, the serious complications incidence rate was 3.5% (2.0–5.0) after midurethral slings (MUS) alone, 7.0% (2.8–11.3) after MUS with prolapse surgery, 1.7% (0.0–3.8) after vaginal native tissue repair, 2.8% (0.9–4.6) after transvaginal mesh, and 1.0% (0.1–1.9) after laparoscopy with mesh. Findings thereby suggest the relatively rare occurrence of early serious complications. They recommend continued and enlarged monitoring to evaluate the long-term risk associated with mesh use and recognize its risk factors.
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