Complications after direct anterior vs Watson-Jones approach in total hip arthroplasty: Results from a matched pair analysis on 1408 patients
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Feb 21, 2019
Klasan A, et al. - In this retrospective, single-institutional study, investigators examined a cohort of 1408 outpatients to evaluate the complication rate and bleeding in the direct anterior approach (DAA) vs anterolateral approach after the learning curve phase in total hip arthroplasty (THA). They observed a similar volume of total blood loss in both groups (450 vs 469 mL). They also noted a reduction in transfusion rate (14.1 vs 5.8%) and the overall complication rate (17.6 vs 12.1%) in the DAA group. A significant incline in dislocation rate was reported in the DAA group, 2.2 vs 0.5%.
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