Comparison of the salivary and dentinal microbiome of children with severe-early childhood caries to the salivary microbiome of caries-free children
BMC Oral Health Jan 18, 2019
Hurley E, et al. - Researchers assessed deep dentinal lesions of deciduous teeth of 68 kids affected with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC), the unstimulated saliva of those children and also the unstimulated saliva of caries-free children (n=70) to examine microbiota compositional differences and diversity of taxa in those kids. They observed major phyla like Firmicutes (33.5%) and Bacteroidetes (23.2%), with Neisseria (10.3%) being the most abundant genus, followed by Prevotella (10%) among caries active dentinal microbiota candidates. They also noticed Proteobacteria (38.2%) and Bacteroidetes (27.8%) with the most ample genus being Neisseria (16.3%), followed by Porphyromonas (9.5%) among caries-active salivary microbiota. They recorded caries microbiota samples with a high relative plentiful of Streptococcus mutans, Prevotella spp., Bifidobacterium and Scardovia spp.
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