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Comparison of the accuracy of fit of metal, zirconia, and lithium disilicate crowns made from different manufacturing techniques

Journal of Prosthodontics Feb 10, 2019

Al Hamad KQ, et al. - Investigators examined 10 candidates who necessitated molar crown to estimate the accuracy of fit of metal, lithium disilicate, and zirconia crowns. They fabricated 8 crowns for each candidate: 2 zirconia, 3 lithium disilicate (e.max), and 3 metal-ceramic crowns using conventional, conventional/digital, and digital techniques. The smallest axial gap was noted for the digital Zirconia group (76.19 ±23.94 μm). The largest axial gap was reported for the conventional e.max (101.80 ± 19.81 μm) and conventional/digital metal-ceramic groups (101.80 ± 35.31 μm). They found no effect of the type of crown and method of manufacturing on the marginal and occlusal gap of a single posterior crown, whereas the scheme of manufacturing had a significant impact on the axial gap.
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