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Comparison of survival outcomes between minimally invasive surgery and conventional open surgery for radical hysterectomy as primary treatment in patients with stage IB1–IIA2 cervical cancer

Gynecologic Oncology Mar 23, 2019

Kim SI, et al. - Among retrospectively identified stage IB1-IIA2 cervical cancer (CC) patients, researchers compared survival outcomes between those who underwent minimally invasive surgery (MIS) vs those who had conventional open surgery for radical hysterectomy (RH). Based on the surgical approach, comparisons of patients' clinicopathologic features and survival outcomes were performed. Open surgery was received by 435 patients and MIS was received by 158 patients. Significantly less parametrial invasion was detected in MIS group. In patients with early-stage CC, higher recurrence rates were observed in relation to MIS RH vs open RH. However, among those with stage IB1 and cervical mass size ≤2 cm on pre-operative MRI, MIS was not identified as a poor prognostic factor.

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