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Comparison of rates of firearm and nonfirearm homicide and suicide in black and white non-Hispanic men, by U.S. state

Annals of Internal Medicine Apr 29, 2018

Riddell CA, et al. - The rates of firearm and nonfirearm homicide and suicide were comparatively analyzed by experts in black and white non-Hispanic men by U.S. state. They also investigated if these deaths were linked with state prevalence of gun ownership. Findings disclosed large state-to-state variation in firearm homicide and suicide rates, along with racial inequalities in these numbers. This data underscored the states where policies could be most beneficial in reducing homicide and suicide deaths and the racial disparities in their rates.


  • The scheme of this research was a surveillance study.
  • It was performed at 50 states and the District of Columbia, 2008 to 2016.
  • Cause-of-death data were abstracted through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's WONDER (Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research) database.
  • Eligible candidates included non-Hispanic black and non-Hispanic white males, all ages.
  • Absolute rates of and rate differences in firearm and nonfirearm homicide and suicide in black and white men were estimated.


  • The occurrence of 84,113 homicides and 251,772 suicides were reported during the 9-year study period.
  • Wide variation was illustrated in the Black-white differences in rates of firearm homicide and suicide across states.
  • In comparison with white men, it was determined that black men had between 9 and 57 additional firearm homicides per 100,000 per year.
  • As per the results, black men in Missouri, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania reported more than 40 additional firearm homicides per 100,000 per year.
  • Furthermore, white men had between 2 fewer and 16 more firearm suicides per 100,000 per year, displaying largest inequalities in southern and western states and the smallest in the District of Columbia and densely populated northeastern states.

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