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Comparison of preoperative measurements with intraoperative aberrometry in predicting need for correction in eyes with low astigmatism undergoing cataract surgery

Clinical Ophthalmology May 31, 2021

Hovanesian JA, et al. - In this retrospective record review, experts aspired to explore whether intraoperative aberrometry during cataract surgery measures higher levels of absolute astigmatism than preoperative biometry readings and which method yields a lower, final level of astigmatism if the two do not agree. From February 2015 to May 2019, all patients who had uncomplicated cataract surgery with planned intraoperative aberrometry were analyzed. In total, 451 patient records were assessed. Intraoperative biometry readings can result in less postoperative astigmatism than preoperative biometry readings, but intraoperative readings that conflict with preoperative measures with a vector magnitude of > 0.5 D should be interpreted with caution.

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