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Comparison of placenta accreta spectrum disorders diagnosed in intrapartum and antepartum period— A three year experience in a tertiary referral unit of India

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 08, 2019

Mittal P, et al. - Researchers investigated the frequency of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders via retrospective analyzing all patients who delivered with PAS over a 3-year period. Further, they sought for the demographic profile, risk factors and maternal and fetal outcomes in women with antepartum diagnosis of PAS vs women with diagnosis made in the intrapartum period. Among 81,480 deliveries, 74 were identified as PAS. Hence in 1:1101 deliveries (0.09%), they identified PAS. Outcomes revealed a decrease in the maternal morbidity and perinatal mortality in correlation with antenatal diagnosis of placenta accreta spectrum disorders.
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