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Comparison of outcomes between single-incision sling and transobturator sling for treating stress urinary incontinence: A 10-year prospective study

Neurourology and Urodynamics Jul 01, 2019

Sun Z, et al. - Ninety-four patients recruited from October 2008 to October 2010 who underwent either TVT-O (one of the standard mid-urethral sling) or TVT-S (one of single-incision mini-sling procedure) were assessed by the experts in order to investigate and compare the clinical outcomes of the TVT-O with the TVT-S, for the treatment of stress urinary incontinence at a long-term follow-up. No significant difference among objective cure and subjective satisfaction rate for TVT-O could be ascertained, in comparison to TVT-S. A huge drop in success from the second to the tenth year was exhibited by TVT-S as that of TVT-O. A marked improved quality of life was recognized in both groups (the TVT-O group and the TVT-S group). Hence, the advantage of one sling over another sling without a significant difference couldn't be concluded. However, during 10 years, TVT-O displayed higher objective cure and subjective satisfaction rates and a less drop in success as compared with TVT-S.
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