Comparison of lower limb lifting and squeeze exsanguination before tourniquet inflation during total knee arthroplasty
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jan 28, 2019
Zhang M, et al. - From March 2012 to November 2016, a total of 236 candidates, divided into 2 groups viz, group A (lower limb lifting exsanguination technique) and group B (squeeze exsanguination method) were analyzed to study the impact of lower limb lifting and squeeze exsanguination methods on clinical consequences in total knee arthroplasty(TKA). Authors observed a significantly shorter pre-tourniquet time of Group A as compared to Group B. They preferred lower limb lifting exsanguination technique due to lower incidence of skin tension blister, relieve in early postoperative pain reaction and no additional risks episodes concerning other clinical outcomes.
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