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Comparison of long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes between alternative-level and all-level fixation unilateral open-door laminoplasty

The Spine Journal Jul 29, 2020

Zhang Z, Wang LN, Song YM, et al. - A retrospective comparative study was conducted to compare the long-term clinical and radiological outcomes between alternative-level and all-level fixation unilateral open-door laminoplasty with a mini-plate fixation system. Researchers enrolled 91 individuals who had undergone unilateral open-door laminoplasty. A total of 91 patients with minimum 7-year postoperative follow-up were included between April 2007 and June 2011 [33 had undergone alternative-level fixation (group A) and 53 had undergone all-level fixation (group B)]. Researchers obtained demographic data, including age, gender, operative time, blood loss, and cost, and correlated between the two groups. The data showed that both fixation methods achieved satisfactory clinical outcomes, despite a difference in the maintenance of open-angle. The alternative-level fixation was found to be a safe, effective, and economical fixation method.

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