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Comparison of long-term antithyroid drugs vs radioactive iodine or surgery for Graves' disease: A review of the literature

Clinical Endocrinology Jun 09, 2021

El Kawkgi OM, et al. - This literature review was undertaken to compare long-term anti-thyroid drugs (ATD) vs radioactive iodine or surgery for Graves' disease (GD). Findings revealed that long-term ATD not only results in euthyroidism with minimal complications but is also associated with low financial cost and offers a beneficial profile with respect to quality of life and other biological outcomes. In the light of these findings, long-term ATD was concluded as a viable alternative to ablative therapies in the treatment of GD providing benefits across multiple patient centred results. Decision making must factor disparities in this strategy vs ablative therapies and eventually be tailored to individualized patient circumstances.

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