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Comparison of hypertension control in patients with diabetes and hypertension and patients with hypertension without diabetes depending on the stage of chronic kidney disease

Clinical Diabetology Oct 04, 2017

Markowicz A, et al. - In this work, researchers seek to answer the questions: what is the all day, daily and night systolic and diastolic blood pressure in pa­tients with hypertension and in patients with diabetes and hypertension, depending on the stage of chronic kidney disease, and whether there are significant dif­ferences in the control of day and night systolic and diastolic blood pressure between the patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension. As per findings, patients with diabetes and hypertension significantly less frequently have their blood pressure controlled properly (24 hours a day, during the day and at night) in relation to patients with hypertension without diabetes and that, with increased renal failure, diabetes and hypertension and hypertensive patients without diabetes do not have good blood pressure control, especially for diabetics and hypertension.
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