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Comparison of heat generation between guided and conventional implant surgery for single and sequential drilling protocols - An in vitro study

Clinical Oral Implants Research Jan 07, 2019

Frosch L, et al. - In this study, researchers studied to evaluate the comparison between heat generation during guided osteotomy preparation (GOP) to that of a conventional approach (CA) for a single and sequential drilling protocol. They measured the temperature with an infrared camera during the preparation of standardized osteotomy in polyurethane foam blocks. The duration of heat exposure over critical temperature was less than one minute for all drilling systems except for the sequential GOP drilling protocol with 4.2 mm drill ie, 76 seconds. Sequential drilling was observed with a higher heat generation and longer duration of latent heat as compared to single drilling whereas GOP revealed statistically elevated temperatures than CA for the 2.2mm, the 3.5mm, and the 4.2mm drill concerning that guided drilling needed special emphasis to heat development.
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