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Comparison of fracture risk using different supplemental doses of vitamin D, calcium or their combination: A network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials

BMJ Open Oct 28, 2019

Hu ZC, Tang Q, Sang CM, et al. – Via performing a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 25 randomized, controlled trials comprising 43,510 individuals, researchers compared fracture risk using various concentrations of vitamin D, calcium, or their combination. Ultimately, no proof that the risk of total fracture was decreased using various concentrations of vitamin D, calcium, or their combination vs placebo or no treatment was found. Between calcium, vitamin D, or combined calcium and vitamin D supplements and the incidence of the hip or vertebral fractures, no significant associations were identified. In terms of fracture risk among community-dwelling elderly people, the use of supplements that incorporated calcium, vitamin D, or both was not found to be superior to placebo or no treatment, suggesting that the routine use of these supplements in this population should be treated more cautiously.

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