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Comparison of face-down posturing with nonsupine posturing after macular hole surgery: A meta-analysis

BMC Ophthalmology Jan 31, 2019

Xia S, et al. - Via searching PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases from their earliest entries through December 2016, researchers assessed the effects of postoperative posturing with face-down posturing (FDP) or nonsupine posturing (NSP) for patients with macular hole (MH) surgery. Using StataSE 12.0 software, the relevant data were analyzed. Findings suggested that FDP could generally improve the overall MH closure rate compared to NSP after MH surgery. Data reported that inner limiting membrane (ILM) peeling combined with FDP could significantly increase the MH closure rate for MHs larger than 400 μm. Combined cataract surgery could not affect the MH closure rate.
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