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Comparison of effects between combined lumbar-sacral plexus block plus general anesthesia and unilateral spinal anesthesia in elderly patients undergoing hip fracture surgery: A pilot randomized controlled trial

Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine May 07, 2021

Tang L, Fang P, Fang Y, et al. - This research sought to correlate the combined lumbar-sacral plexus block plus general anesthesia (bispectral index 60–80) with unilateral spinal anesthesia (SA) on the activity of daily living in elderly patients undergoing hip fracture surgery. Researchers randomized a total of 124 elderly patients who had undergone hip fracture surgery into two groups. The primary endpoints included 30-day activity of daily living (ADL). Postoperative pain scores, postoperative delirium, in-hospital cost, and major complications were considered as secondary outcomes. After hip fracture surgery, the unilateral SA can decrease the deterioration of ADL and provide a better postoperative recovery.

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