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Comparison of clinical presentation and outcomes of peritonitis in the elderly and younger peritoneal dialysis patients

Peritoneal Dialysis International Mar 17, 2019

Htay H, et al. - In this single-center, retrospective, observational cohort study, researchers compared the clinical presentation and outcomes of peritonitis between two age groups ie, elderly peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients (≥ 65 years old at PD initiation) vs younger PD patients, by using multivariable logistic regression. Overall, 247 patients suffered 377 peritonitis episodes. According to findings, similar medical cure rates, a lower catheter removal rate, and comparable rates of hemodialysis (HD) transfer, relapse, hospitalization, and death were observed among elderly PD patients with peritonitis vs younger patients. Presentation with fever or cloudy dialysate was less likely to be seen in elderly PD patients experiencing peritonitis.
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