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Comparison of clinical and radiologic outcomes between normal and overcorrected medial proximal tibial angle groups after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy

Arthroscopy Oct 15, 2019

Goshima K, et al. - In this investigation involving 94 patients, researchers ascertained if the overcorrected medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA) influences the clinical results after open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (OWHTO) and explored the association between knee joint line obliquity (KJLO) changes and the compensatory changes in the hip and ankle joints. Data reported that the mean increases in HKA and MPTA after OWTHO were 11.0° ± 3.2° and 10.4° ± 2.7°, respectively, while the change in KJLO was only 3.7° ± 2.9°. After OWHTO, the mean AJLO (4.3 ± 3.9 to −1.3 ± 3.3,) and HAA (3.7 ± 2.5 to −1.1 ± 2.3) significantly reduced. Due to compensatory changes in the hip and ankle joints, some degree of overcorrected MPTA (≥ 95°) did not affect the clinical results after OWHTO. There were no significant differences in all clinical scores between the groups at the final follow-up.
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