Comparison of clinical and radiographic peri-implant parameters among obese and non-obese patients: A 5-year study
Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research Aug 04, 2018
Alkhudhairy F, et al. - In obese and non-obese patients, researchers evaluated and compared the changes in clinical and radiographic peri-implant parameters, presuming that peri-implant parameters are worse in obese individuals vs nonobese. They included 20 patients with body mass index ≥ 27.5 kg/m2 and 18 non-obese controls. Risk of increased localized peri-implant soft and hard tissue inflammation was seen in the patients with obesity. Obese patients should be educated about the risk of increased peri-implant tissue inflammation and susceptibility to bone loss. For ideal peri-implant health, stringent oral hygiene care should be stipulated.
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