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Comparison of cervical cancer screening among women with and without hysterectomies: A nationwide population-based study in Korea

BMC Cancer Aug 16, 2018

Shin JY, et al. - Researchers used data for 6807 women aged 30–74 years from the 2014–2016 Korean National Cancer Screening Survey, to determine the cervical cancer screening rate in Korean women who underwent hysterectomies and compare it to that in women with intact uteri. The self-reported experiences of participants with regard to cervical cancer screening, hysterectomy status, and other variables associated with cancer screening, were analyzed. The estimated screening rates among women who have undergone a hysterectomy vs those who have not during the past 2 years were 61.8% and 64.7%, respectively. Data highlighted unnecessary cervical cancer screening was continuously being performed in a considerable number of Korean women who no longer had a cervix.
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