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Comparison of broad-range polymerase chain reaction and metagenomic next- generation sequencing for the diagnosis of prosthetic joint infection

International Journal of Infectious Diseases Apr 08, 2020

Wang CX, et al. - This study was attempted to determine the concordance of both methods for diagnosing prosthetic joint infection (PJI) pathogens in joint fluid and to verify if broad-range polymerase chain reaction (BR-PCR) can be applied as a verification method for metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) for PJI diagnosis. Researchers enrolled a sum of, 63 individuals who undergone total joint arthroplasty, with 45 PJI and 18 aseptic failure patients. Joint fluids were sampled after antibiotics were withheld for more than 2 weeks, and then, carried out culture, BR-PCR and mNGS for all samples. For detection of PJI pathogens in joint fluid, mNGS was found to be more sensitive than BR-PCR. The results considered that BR-PCR is insufficient for use as an mNGS verification method.

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