Comparison of body composition and overactive bladder symptoms in overweight female university students
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 25, 2019
Hagovska M, et al. - Young overweight women with overactive bladder (OAB) vs without OAB were compared regarding body composition. In addition, researchers determined the severity of the symptoms of OAB, as well as investigated how OAB influence their quality of life. For this cross-sectional study, they included 276 women from the sample of 1932 enrolled women classed as overweight (BMI:25–29.9). The Voiding Diary, the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire, and the Incontinence Quality of Life scale were used in addition to using direct segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, with assessment of-skeletal muscle mass (kg), body fat mass (kg), body fat percentage (%), visceral fat area (cm2/level), and waist to hip ratio. Outcomes revealed significantly higher body fat percentage, visceral fat area, and waist to hip ratio in overweight women with OAB. However, the groups were comparable regarding BMI.
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