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Comparison of bilateral decompression via unilateral laminotomy and conventional laminectomy for single-level degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis regarding low back pain, functional outcome, and quality of life - A Randomized Controlled, Prospective Trial

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Aug 18, 2019

Ko S, et al. - Of 87 individuals who underwent diagnostic and decompression surgery, 50 who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and were followed up for > 2 years were recruited in a randomized controlled study by the experts in order to contrast the degree of postoperative low back pain (LBP), functional outcome, and quality of life of individuals between bilateral decompression via unilateral laminotomy (BDUL; group U) and conventional laminectomy (CL; group C). In group U vs group C, operation time was significantly shorter. At 6, 12, and 24 months, no important variation among the two groups in terms of spine-related pain as noted. Among the groups, functional outcomes using Oswestry Disability Index and Disability Questionnaire and quality of life using SF-36 were not significantly distinct. Hence, relative to single-level decompression for degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis, group U vs group C had the benefits of shorter operation time, however, not in terms of back pain, functional outcome, and quality of life.
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