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Comparison of a single-dose vectored thermal pulsation procedure with a 3-month course of daily oral doxycycline for moderate-to-severe meibomian gland dysfunction

Clinical Ophthalmology Jan 25, 2018

Hagen KB, et al. - The researchers carried out a comparative analysis between the efficacy of a single bilateral 12-minute vectored thermal pulsation (VTP) procedure vs daily oral doxycycline for 3 months for moderate-to-severe meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD). When compared to the 3-month daily course of oral doxycycline, a single 12-minute bilateral VTP procedure was substantially more effective at improving the dry eye symptoms secondary to MGD. Data exhibited that a single 12-minute VTP therapy was nearly as effective as a dose of doxycycline for 3 months, in improving MG function and all measured signs of MGD. A single VTP served as a favorable alternative to long-term antibiotic use due to the minimal risk profile of the single VTP procedure over long-term doxycycline use.
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