Comparison of 24-hour and office pulse wave velocity for prediction of mortality in hemodialysis patients
American Journal of Nephrology Apr 02, 2019
Matschkal J, et al. - Among patients from a multicenter prospective longitudinal observatory cohort study (Risk stratification in end-stage renal disease – the ISAR study), researchers compared ambulatory 24-hour pulse wave velocity (PWV) (24 h-PWV) and Office-PWV for mortality prediction in 344 hemodialysis patients. All-cause and cardiovascular mortality were assessed as study endpoints. Kaplan-Meier estimates and Cox regression analysis were also performed to assess survival. Participants were followed-up for 36 months, during which deaths of 89 patients were reported, 35 patients died due to cardiovascular cause. When both measurements were compared, all-cause-mortality in hemodialysis patients was independently predicted by 24 h-PWV beyond Office-PWV.
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