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Comparing real-time and intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring in adults with type 1 diabetes (ALERTT1): A 6-month, prospective, multicentre, randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Jun 09, 2021

Visser MM, Charleer S, Fieuws S, et al. - Since people with type 1 diabetes can continuously monitor their glucose levels on demand (intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring [isCGM]), or in real-time (real-time continuous glucose monitoring [rtCGM]), however, it is not clear whether switching from isCGM to rtCGM with alert functionality offers additional benefits, researchers conducted this prospective, double-arm, parallel-group, multicentre, randomized controlled trial to compare rtCGM and isCGM in adults with type 1 diabetes (ALERTT1). Adults with type 1 diabetes who had previously used isCGM were randomly assigned (1:1) to rtCGM (intervention) or isCGM (control). Between January 29 and July 30, 2019, 269 candidates were recruited, of whom 254 were randomly assigned to rtCGM (n = 127) or isCGM (n = 127); 124 and 122 candidates finished the study, respectively. Switching from isCGM to rtCGM improved time in range in an unselected adult type 1 diabetes population after 6 months of treatment, implying that doctors should explore rtCGM rather than isCGM to improve the health and quality of life of persons with type 1 diabetes.

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