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Comparing pregnancy outcomes using an endometrial receptivity array (ERA) prior to frozen embryo transfer (FET) with euploid embryos

Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019

Rosen A, et al. - Researchers undertook an IRB approved retrospective chart review on 347 patients who previously had both a mock cycle for an ERA and pre-implantation genetic testing for aneuploidy (PGT-A), to compare the effects on pregnancy outcomes in programmed FET cycles in these patients. Observations revealed 200 patients as receptive; 47 had failed transfers, 18 had biochemical pregnancies, 18 had miscarriages, 2 had ectopics, and 110 had ongoing pregnancies or live births. 5 were unknown. Among 147 patients who were not receptive; 38 had failed transfers, 14 had biochemical pregnancies, 16 had miscarriages, 0 ectopic, and 77 had ongoing pregnancies or live births. 2 were unknown. As per data, patients that were not receptive and had their FET date and duration of P4 adjusted by the results of the ERA were similar to patients that were receptive, in terms of pregnancy outcomes. ERA is thus validated in this work and seems to have clinical value in the care of patients undergoing programmed FET cycles with euploid embryos.
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