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Comparing pregnancy outcomes and loss rates in elective twin pregnancy reduction to ongoing twin gestations in a large contemporary cohort

American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Apr 19, 2019

Vieira LA, et al. - Researchers retrospectively reviewed dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin gestations that underwent first trimester ultrasound at their institution, to compare elective twin pregnancy reduction to ongoing twin gestations in terms of pregnancy outcomes and loss rates. They identified 1070 DCDA twin pregnancies; 855 (79.9%) of these [250 (29.2%) with 2-to-1 singletons and 605 (70.8%) with ongoing twin] had completed follow-up data available and were analyzed. Observations revealed a higher gestational age of delivery, lower rates of preterm birth and pregnancy complications among patients who elected to reduce to a singleton pregnancy, without an increased risk of pregnancy loss.
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