Comparing patient survival of home hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients
American Journal of Nephrology Feb 02, 2020
Choi SJ, Obi Y, Ko GJ, et al. - Using a national cohort, researchers compared outcomes between peritoneal dialysis (PD) and home hemodialysis (HHD) and investigated how mortality related to HHD vs PD varies according to the duration of dialysis. Participants were incident end-stage renal disease patients, including 1,993 patients transitioning to HHD and 16,514 transitioning to PD from 2007 to 2011. On the basis of the propensity score, 1,915 HHD patients were matched with 1,915 PD patients. Experts divided the patients according to their vintage (duration of dialysis) at the time of the transition to HHD or PD (< 3, 3 to < 12, and ≥ 12 months). Findings revealed that survival between HHD and PD did not differ meaningfully during the first 12 months, but worse survival was observed in patients who transitioned to PD following 12 months of dialysis vs their HHD counterparts.
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