Comparing bHCG values and pregnancy outcomes in intravaginal culture (IVC) to traditional in vitro incubation
Fertility and Sterility Apr 12, 2019
Chung M, et al. - Via performing this retrospective cohort study review of 1,182 cycles that underwent fresh and frozen, single, autologous embryo transfer cycles, researchers investigated how initial bHCG values differ between IVC and traditional in vitro incubation. Further, they assessed pregnancy outcomes between the groups. Results suggest that as incubating technique, intravaginal culture seems comparable to traditional IVF systems. In line with prior studies, equivalent quality blastocysts transferred were evident when IVC was compared to traditional in vitro incubation. In addition, in the IVC cycles, higher initial day 9 bHCG values were noted, however, additional studies are recommended to trend bHCG values in a larger population and validate IVC as an equivalent system to traditional IVF in infertile patients.
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