Comparative study of preterm infants fed new and existing human milk fortifiers showed favourable markers of gastrointestinal status
Acta Pediatrica Feb 15, 2020
Rigo J, Hascoët JM, Picaud JC, et al. - In total, 153 preterm infants born at up to 32 weeks or weighing up to 1,500 g were enlisted and randomized to either the new fortifier (n = 77) or the control fortifier (n = 76) for 21 days in order to investigate the impact of different human milk fortifiers on biomarkers of gastrointestinal immaturity and inflammation. Secondary outcomes were reported from a controlled, double-blind, randomized, parallel group study carried out from 2011 to 2014 in neonatal intensive care units at 11 metropolitan hospitals in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. After 21 days of full enteral feeding, faecal alpha-1 antitrypsin was slightly lower in the new fortifier group than control, with a geometric mean and standard deviation of 1.52 ± 1.32 vs 1.82 ± 1.44 mg/g stools. According to findings, mean values for each parameter were within the ranges in healthy term infants, showing favourable markers of gastrointestinal status in both groups. Furthermore, the relatively high concentration found in preterm infants fed fortified human milk indicates that the threshold level for detecting enterocolitis necrotising should be updated for faecal calprotectin.
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