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Comparative study of femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery and conventional phacoemulsification in vitrectomised eyes

Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology Dec 21, 2017

Wang EF, et al. - Experts undertook a comparative scrutiny of the safety and outcomes of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery and conventional phacoemulsification in post-vitrectomy eyes. Both the techniques illustrated comparable visual outcomes. Though the outcomes measured were not statistically marked, except post-operative YAG capsulotomy, femtosecond assisted surgery exhibited a trend towards a better intra-operative and post-operative safety profile. It was disclosed that the femtosecond laser yielded a theoretical advantage in reducing complication rates in post-vitrectomy eyes.


  • The design of this research was a single surgeon, retrospective study.
  • It was carried out in a private clinic in Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Herein, the patients were recruited in a chronological manner, without masking or randomisation.
  • The eligible candidates included only patients undergoing cataract extraction following vitrectomy.
  • This research consisted of the last 25 surgeries performed prior to acquisition of the femtosecond laser and the first 25 surgeries performed following acquisition of the femtosecond laser.
  • Findings were cumulated with regard to the patient demographic data, pre and post-operative visual acuities.
  • This was followed by a comparison of the intra and post-operative complications.
  • Follow-up ranged from 1-74 months.
  • The main outcome measures comprised of the post-operative visual outcomes and intra and post-operative complications for both groups.


  • It was disclosed that the femtosecond laser assisted surgery compared as follows to conventional phacoemulsification: Pre-operative logMAR BCVA, 0.63 vs 0.69, post-operative logMAR BCVA 0.17 vs 0.19, posterior capsule complications, 0% vs 12% (P=0.235). CMO 12% vs 20% (P=0.705), post-operative YAG capsulotomy 16% vs 48% (P=0.032).

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