Comparative effectiveness of high-dose vs standard-dose influenza vaccine among patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Aug 08, 2019
Butler AM, Layton JB, Dharnidharka VR, et al. - In this cohort study, researchers used data from the US Renal Data System to compare standard-dose influenza vaccine (SDV) with high-dose influenza vaccine (HDV) among adults (n = 507,552) undergoing maintenance dialysis therapy. Among adults 65 years and older, SDV and HDV were received by 97.4% and 2.6%, respectively, within 225,215 influenza patient-seasons. Among participants, no additional protection was conferred by HDV, beyond the SDV, against all-cause death or influenza-related outcomes. HDV also conferred additional cost and had side effects, which are advised to be taken into account when offering this vaccine.
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