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Comparative effectiveness of bisoprolol and carvedilol among patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis

Clinical Kidney Journal Jan 07, 2021

Wu PH, Lin YT, Liu JS, et al. - Researchers performed a cohort study to compare health outcomes related to carvedilol or bisoprolol use among patients receiving hemodialysis (HD). This analysis involved 9,305 HD patients who started bisoprolol and 11,171 HD patients who started carvedilol therapy between 2004 and 2011. Between carvedilol and bisoprolol users, a 2-year follow-up was conducted to compare the risk of all-cause death and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACEs). A total of 1,555 deaths and 5,167 MACEs were noted during observations. Findings revealed that HD patients who initiated bisoprolol, vs carvedilol, exhibited a lower 2-year risk of mortality and MACEs, primarily attributed to lower heart failure and ischemic stroke risk.

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