Comparative analysis of two weeks glycaemic profile of healthy vs mild gestational diabetic pregnant women using flash glucose monitoring system: An observational study
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jul 05, 2019
Nigam A, et al. - In this observational study, researchers compared glycaemic profiles in women with mild gestational diabetes (GDM) and those with a healthy pregnancy. For this investigation, 9 nonpregnant women, 33 healthy pregnant women, 29 pregnant women with GDM between 24-36 weeks gestation, received ambulatory glucose profile monitoring for a two-week period. Although in women with mild GDM women the blood glucose level remained within the target levels, glycaemic variability and mean blood glucose levels were significantly higher in women with GDM vs women with a healthy pregnancy. Findings revealed that glycaemic variability was greater in GDM pregnancies as measured by interquartile range.
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