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Community- vs hospital-acquired acute kidney injury in hospitalised COVID-19 patients

BMC Nephrology Jul 29, 2021

Bell JS, James BD, Al-Chalabi S, et al. - Given that despite being a known complication of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), reported incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) differs widely and the related risk factors are poorly understood, thus, to explore this, researchers here stratified 448 eligible patients with COVID-19 to community- and hospital-acquired AKI depending on the timing of AKI onset. Of overall participants, 118 (26.3 %) recorded an AKI during their admission. For community-acquired AKI, chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes, clinical frailty score and admission C-reactive protein (CRP), systolic blood pressure and respiratory rate were revealed as significant independent risk factors. Similar risk factors were found to be significant for hospital-acquired AKI including CKD and trough systolic blood pressure, peak heart rate, peak CRP and trough lymphocytes during admission. Findings revealed that over a quarter of these hospitalised COVID-19 patients developed AKI. There exist many shared risk factors for community- and hospital-acquired AKI which seem to converge on a pre-renal mechanism of injury. A significant risk factor for mortality was hospital- but not community acquired AKI.

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