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Community space, community groups, and incident HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women in rural South Africa: A longitudinal analysis of HIV Prevention Trials Network 068 Data

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes Jun 23, 2021

Bhushan NL, Stoner MC, Twine R, et al. - During the transition of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) to adulthood, a critical consideration for HIV prevention interventions involve their interaction with their social context. Researchers sought to determine the types of community groups and community spaces that are possibly protective for AGYW HIV acquisition and related sexual behaviors. They retrieved data from HIV Prevention Trials Network 068, a longitudinal study of AGYW (age 13–20 years) in rural South Africa. Follow-up of a total of 2,245 AGYW was performed for up to 4 years. Per findings, community spaces and community groups that include an element of adult supervision are identified as potentially protective, whereas spaces and groups that present an opportunity for AGYW to interact unsupervised with boyfriends or meet new partners are potentially risky.

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