Combining platelet-rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head: a 4.5- to 6-year prospective randomized comparative study
Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 03, 2020
Aggarwal AK, Poornalingam K, Jain A, et al. - A 4.5- to the 6-year prospective randomized comparative study was conducted to evaluate whether and how combining platelet-rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head. esearchers randomized about 40 consecutive age-matched and gender-matched patients (53 hips) into 2 groups by computer-generated algorithm table in a prospective randomized double-blinded comparative study. There were 19 patients in Group A (platelet-rich plasma [PRP] with core decompression [CD]) (25 hips), and group B (CD only) included 21 patients (28 hips) [mean follow-up was 64.3 months (range, 54-72) and 63.7 months (range, 56-72) in groups A and B, respectively]. It was shown that PRP use after CD provides significant pain relief, better midterm functional result, retards the progression, and improves the survivorship free from reoperation for hip arthroplasty and femoral head collapse in early stages of avascular necrosis of hip than CD alone.
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