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Combining platelet rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head: A 4.5- to 6-year prospective randomized comparative study

Journal of Arthroplasty Jul 16, 2020

Aggarwal AK, Poornalingam K, Jain A, et al. - A 4.5- to 6-year prospective randomized comparative study was conducted to assess whether combining platelet-rich plasma instillation with core decompression improves functional outcome and delays progression in early-stage avascular necrosis of femoral head. Researchers randomized 40 consecutive age- and gender-matched patients (53 hips) into two groups by computer-generated algorithm table in a prospective randomized double-blinded comparative study. Nineteen patients (25 hips) were in Group A (platelet-rich plasma with core decompression) and 21 (28 hips) were included in group B (core decompression only). The data revealed that than core decompression alone, PRP use following core decompression gives significant pain relief, better mid-term functional outcome, retards the progression, and enhances the survivorship free from reoperation for hip arthroplasty and femoral head collapse in early stages of avascular necrosis of the hip.

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