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Combined reconstruction of the anterolateral ligament in patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury and ligamentous hyperlaxity leads to better clinical stability and a lower failure rate than isolated anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Arthroscopy Sep 13, 2019

Helito CP, Sobrado MF, Giglio PN, et al. - In patients with ligamentous hyperlaxity undergoing isolated anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction or combined ACL and anterolateral ligament (ALL) reconstruction, researchers conducted this retrospective study to compare functional outcomes, residual instability, and rupture rates. This investigation was carried out at the University of São Paulo in Brazil. Ninety patients undergoing ACL reconstruction with ligamentous hyperlaxity have been assessed. There were no significant differences among the groups regarding Beighton scale, gender, the duration of injury before reconstruction, follow-up time, preoperative instability, or associated meniscal injuries. In patients with ligamentous hyperlaxity, combined ACL and ALL reconstruction resulted in a lower failure rate and improved knee stability parameters compared with isolated ACL reconstruction. There were no variations in the functional scales.
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