Combined measurement of D-dimer and C-reactive protein levels: Highly accurate for diagnosing chronic periprosthetic joint infection
Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 20, 2019
Qin L, et al. - In this prospective trial involving 122 patients [55 patients undergoing revision for chronic periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) and 67 patients undergoing revision for aseptic failure], researchers examined the sensitivity and specificity of D-dimer in identifying chronic PJI and improved the precision of chronic PJI diagnosis via combined measurement of serum D-dimer with C-reactive protein (CRP)/erythrocyte sedimentation rate. The study sample consisted of patients presenting with a painful knee or hip after total hip or total knee arthroplasty for surgical revision. Data reported that the area under the curve for D-dimer was 0.915 and was more precise than serum erythrocyte sedimentation rate 0.719 and CRP 0.761. In detecting chronic PJI, the D-dimer is a valuable biomarker. Compared with those of the single-index test, the combinations of serum D-dimer and CRP led to the improvement of sensitivity (98.11%).
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