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Combination of solifenacin and tamsulosin may provide additional beneficial effects for ureteral stent-related symptoms—outcomes from a network meta-analysis

World Journal of Urology Jul 25, 2018

Jian Z, et al. - Researchers assessed the different efficacy among generally used drugs for stent-related symptoms (SRS) with the method of network meta-analysis. They included 19 trials with 2036 patients investigating 4 different intervention including tamsulosin (Tam), alfuzosin (Alfu), solifenacin (Soli) and combination of Tam and Solif. Findings suggested a probability of Tam plus Soli to be the most effective intervention for SRSs. As for monotherapy, in most respects except for pain relief, advantages were demonstrated by Soli vs Tam or Alfu. Similar efficacy was demonstrated by Tam and Alfu on urinary symptoms and body pain relief.
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