Color and translucency of resin-based composites: Comparison of a-shade specimens within various product lines
Operative Dentistry Dec 12, 2018
Kim D, et al. - Researchers evaluated and compared the color and translucency of resin-based composites (RBCs) with respect to the shade numbers within each product line. They gauged four A-shades (A1, A2, A3, and A3.5) of nine RBC products (Beautifil II, Ceram-X One, Estelite Sigma Quick, Esthet-X HD, Filtek Z250, Filtek Z350 XT, Gradia Direct, Herculite Precis, and Tetric N-Ceram). As per data, with the increase in the shade number, the RBCs became darker and yellowish. They noted a decrease in the blue light irradiance in increasing order of the shade numbers. Different trends among the shades, depending on the product line were demonstrated by the changes in the translucency.
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