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Cognitive function, access to kidney transplantation, and waitlist mortality among kidney transplant candidates with or without diabetes

American Journal of Kidney Diseases Feb 10, 2020

Chu NM, Shi Z, Haugen CE, et al. - Given that intact cognition usually represents a prerequisite for navigating through and finishing assessment for kidney transplantation, researchers undertook this prospective cohort analysis to estimate the burden of cognitive impairment as well as its link with access to kidney transplantation and waitlist mortality. This study included 3,630 participants who had cognitive function measured (by the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination [3MS]) at kidney transplantation assessment at 1 of 2 transplantation centers. The presence of cognitive impairment in 6.4% of participants was reported at evaluation. In this study, a lower likelihood of being placed on the waitlist was observed in relation to cognitive impairment. Also, among patients without diabetes, cognitive impairment was found to be related to an increased mortality on the waitlist.
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