CMV and BKPyV infections in renal transplant recipients receiving an mTOR inhibitor-based regimen versus a CNI-based regimen: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Sep 07, 2017
Mallat SG, et al. – This meta–analysis strived to compare the incidences of cytomegalovirus and BK polyoma virus infections in renal transplant recipients receiving a mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor (mTOR)Âbased regimen compared with a calcineurin inhibitorÂbased regimen. As compared with the calcineurin inhibitorÂbased regimen, results revealed moderate– to high–quality evidence of reduced risk of cytomegalovirus infection in renal transplant recipients in the mTOR inhibitorÂbased regimen. Moreover, a combination of a mTOR inhibitor and a reduced dose of calcineurin inhibitor appeared to be associated with similar eGFR and rates of acute rejections and serious adverse events compared with a standard calcineurin inhibitorÂbased regimen at the expense of higher incidence of proteinuria and wound–healing complications.
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