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Cluster-randomized trial of adjuvanted vs. non-adjuvanted trivalent influenza vaccine in 823 US nursing homes

Clinical Infectious Diseases Sep 08, 2020

McConeghy KW, Davidson HE, Canaday DH, et al. - A cluster-randomized trial was designed to compare between adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted trivalent influenza vaccine in 823 U.S. nursing homes. Researchers assigned randomly nursing homes (NHs) with ≥ 50 long-stay residents ≥ 65 years to offer adjuvanted trivalent influenza vaccine (aTIV) or TIV for residents for the 2016-17 influenza season. They evaluated relative aTIV:TIV effectiveness for hospitalization [i.e., all-cause, respiratory, and pneumonia and influenza, (P&I)], applying intent-to-treat resident-level analysis with Cox proportional hazards regression models adjusted for clustering by facility and a priori baseline covariates (e.g., age, heart failure, and facility-level characteristics). In this study, 823 NHs, housing 50,012 eligible residents were assigned randomly to aTIV or TIV. In comparison with TIV, aTIV was more effective in preventing all-cause and P&I hospitalization from NHs during an A/H3N2 predominant season when TIV was relatively ineffective.

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