Closed antegrade/retrograde intramedullary fixation of central metatarsal fractures: Surgical technique and clinical outcomes
Injury Mar 12, 2020
Zarei M, et al. - For managing fractures of the shaft and neck of central metatarsals, intramedullary fixation with k-wires is a surgical option. Researchers here examined 34 patients (26 males and eight females) with 58 metatarsal neck and shaft fractures (28 shaft and 26 neck fractures) who were treated using the antegrade/retrograde intramedullary fixation technique for their clinical outcomes. During a mean follow-up period of 18 months, the meantime to clinical fracture healing of 6.5 weeks was observed. Outcomes suggest that for managing central metatarsal fractures, closed antegrade/retrograde intramedullary pinning is a minimally invasive technique. Metatarsal alignment can be restored and good clinical outcome is obtained employing this technique.
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