Clomiphene citrate effect on testosterone level and semen parameters in 18 infertile men with low testosterone level and normal/low gonadotropines level
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 19, 2019
Surbone A, et al. - Researchers examined how a 3-month course of clomiphene citrate (CC) influence plasma testosterone (T) level and semen parameters in 18 infertile men with low T level and normal or low gonadotropines level. Findings support the efficacy of CC in increasing plasma T level in infertile men with low T level and normal or low gonadotropines level. In addition, it was noted as an inexpensive treatment. Even oligospermic infertile men may show increase in sperm concentration with CC, without, however, a significant effect on progressive sperm motility.
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